Thursday, January 20, 2011

Reject Facebook Debate

I was in attendance at the debate on Friday, January 14th. The debate was very excited and really informative. I was amused at the structure in which the debate took place, as when you do not have the floor you are at the complete mercy of the person who is speaking. They can completely ignore you or they can acknowledge you. I turned in notes on paper so I will not type them all here. But, after much crossfire and very many interesting points the Harvard team came out on type with accept Facebook. I really do commend the other team though, due to that they had the much harder side to try to persuade the audience towards. Overall first debate experience was a success and it will not be my last.

Welcome To My World Outline

Welcome To My World Speech
Samuel Weldin
I. Think back to your highschool days. Good memories, bad memories. What makes me unique is my own highschool experiance was the equivalent of 4 different ones.

II. Four highschools in four years, its exactly how it sounds. A lot of forced interaction.
A. Mom's job was he reason for all the moving around. Looked at as a disadvantage, and I thought so too.
B. I soon realized it was more of a blessing than a curse. My whole mindset changed. It just needed some time to settle and be completely thought over.  All of it had actually given me an enormous amount of perspective.
C. It has taught me to be unbelievably tolerant and flexible. I have no problem helping others and sacrificing my time. I have seen all walks of life and learned to accept them all.
D. The most important thing of all is that I learned to go into social and academic situations and make the absolute best out of them.
E. I am priveledged to have made the relationships that I have and would not be who I am today without them.

III. God has a plan for us all and this experiance has helped to realize this fully and I am blessed to go through this now with a much clearer mindset.

2. What could you do to improve next time you speak?
                Next speech will be much better for me primarily because I will know what is coming and what is expected. This one I could have and should have been more prepared. That is a mistake I do not plan on making twice. Along with being more prepared I will work in the descriptive nature in which I interpret certain ideas and also want to work more on emphasis of certain words in order to leave a lasting impression in my audience.

3. Did your speech meet the requirements of the assignment or did you forget something?
                I think it met the requirements when pertaining to choosing and elaborating on a certain single topic that influenced my life. I don't think I met the requirements though when it comes to the actual speech part. I feel I did not display very good public speaking skills and I am looking forward to the next speech in order to get another try at it to improve drastically.