Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Commemorative Speech

Samuel Weldin
Commemorative Speech

We all have those people in our lives that we greatly respect, but sometimes we never get around to voicing our appreciation of them. Then when you truly want to show your gratitude of them, they are already gone. Today I want to take the next few minutes to commemorate and praise the life of my great grandpa, Robert Lowry.
My great grandpa’s life was fulfilling and he always had intentions of servitude for those around him. His life was full of many accomplishments, many people, and completely enveloped by our Lord Jesus Christ. His early life and childhood was spent on the farm in the Midwest until he joined the U.S. Army in his late teens. He was a true American hero and fought for his country that he loved so much in World War II. He left all the comforts of his home to go fight tyranny overseas and put his life on the line so that our country could prosper today. A factor many of us cannot imagine. His service to this country was not a choice for him in his mind; it was an honor and a great opportunity to make a difference. That is the wondrous way in which he thought. Having fought in World War II is an awe-inspiring accomplishment in itself, but my great grandpa didn’t stop there. After he was honorably discharged with the Army, he met my great grandmother and had two wonderful children. He provided for his family by working for the Santé Fe Railroad in Winslow, AZ where he resided up until his death this month a year ago. His work ethic was unparalleled and his demeanor was always one of a more serious note. He used to always tell me “You’re my favorite grandson, but you’re my only grandson”. This was a definition of his seldom seen humor, but also his appreciation for me and so it meant so much more.
My great grandpa was a true servant of the lord. He was a totem in the once tiny community of Winslow, AZ and had been a deacon at Winslow Baptist Church for over 20 years. More people than not knew his name in that town. He was known for his wisdom and compassion, but also his walk of faith. His life, from the time that I knew him, centered around the church and replicating the bible in his daily activities. From the time he woke up at 4:30 in the morning and had his morning coffee and devotion, to 7:30 in the evening when he would fall asleep in his rocker reading the bible, it was not hard to see this man had great love and passion for the Lord.
Robert Lowry, my great grandfather, was an excellent man and citizen of many wonderful traits. My hope is to be able to emulate them in my life at some point. He was small in stature, about five and a half feet at the end of his life, but he was enormous in positive influence of many lives. He lived to be 92 years old and died in his home of over 50 years. My great grandfather’s legacy is one of great acts of kindness and servitude, both to our country and others. His life is celebrated and he will always remain within my family’s thoughts and prayers.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Commemorative Speech Plan

Commemorative Speech Planning Sheet

Topic: Great Grandpa who recently passed away.

General Purpose: Commemorative

Specific Purpose Statement: My specific purpose is to inspire my audience by praising Bob Lowry my great grandpa.

Introduction: Describing the idea of a true hard working American citizen.

Credibility Step: Relation for for 18 years before death

Central Idea: Today I would like to take this time to honor and commemorate a personal hero and a great man, my great grandfather Bob Lowry.

Preview: First I will talk about the physical stature of the man and the greatness of his heart, then I will talk about his WWII experiance, and then I will talk about his hard blue collar life on the rail road and the relentless faith for Christ he had.